by EItanyaADMAIN | Sep 26, 2023 | first-author
Citation: Marshall, T.A., Beal, L., Sigman, D. M., & Fawcett, S. E. (2023). Instabilities across the Agulhas Current enhance upward nitrate supply in the southwest subtropical Indian Ocean. AGU Advances, 4, e2023AV000973. ...
by EItanyaADMAIN | Sep 26, 2023 | first-author
Citation: Marshall, T.A., Sigman, D.M., Beal, L.M., Foreman, A., Martínez-García, A., Blain, S., Campbell, E., Fripiat, F., Granger, R., Harris, E., Haug, G.H., Marconi, D., Oleynik, S., Rafter, P.A., Roman, R., Sinyanya, K., Smart, S.M., Fawcett, S.E. (2023) The...
by EItanyaADMAIN | Sep 26, 2023 | first-author
Citation: Marshall, T.A., Granger, J., Casciotti, K.L., Dähnke, K., Emeis, K.-C., Marconi, D., McIlvin, M., Noble, A., Saito, M., Sigman, D.M., Fawcett, S.E. (2022) The Angola Gyre is a hotspot of dinitrogen fixation in the South Atlantic Ocean. Nature Communications...
by EItanyaADMAIN | Sep 26, 2023 | first-author
Citation: Mdutyana, M., Marshall, T.A., Sun, X., Burger, J.M., Flynn, R.F., Thomalla, S.J., Ward, B.B., Fawcett, S.E. (2022) Controls on nitrite oxidation in the upper Southern Ocean: insights from winter kinetics experiments in the Indian sector. Biogeosciences, 19,...
by EItanyaADMAIN | Sep 26, 2023 | first-author
Citation: Henley, S.F., Cavan, E.L., Fawcett, S.E., Kerr, R., Monteiro, T., Sherrell, R.M., Bowie, A.R., Boyd, P.W., Barnes, D.K.A., Schloss, I.R., Marshall, T.A., Flynn, R., Smith, S. (2020) Changing Biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean and Its Ecosystem...